For every Mercy Health nurse holding the hand of a patient, there’s a ministry-backed health care worker, half a world away, holding...
Meet Keiva Bland, MD, a breast surgeon in our Toledo market who’s making a real impact in underserved communities, like some in...
A lot of the work we do at Mercy Health happens outside of the hospital walls. To further our Mission of extending...
Aleppo, the second largest city in Syria, was recently devastated by a catastrophic earthquake. Aleppo also holds a special place in the...
If you find yourself with a desire to spend MLK Day giving back, you’re not alone. There’s a growing trend where people...
Young women in the United States are starting to menstruate earlier. Additionally, health care providers have noted that some of these girls...
(Pictured above, left to right, Tina LeFaive, Faith Community Nursing & Health Ministry Coordinator, Marcey Langford from Church of Jesus, Tina Cotto...
Chaplain Brett Benton (pictured above, right), who serves at Mercy Health – Marcum and Wallace Hospital in Irvine, Ky., shows his colleagues...
Human trafficking takes many forms in the United States and affects people of all genders, ages and circumstances. Be sure to learn...
Our ministry’s heritage is rooted in the healing ministry of Jesus as well as the good works of our founders. The health...