A purse filled with first aid items.
Healthy Living

Purse-Aid Kit: Everything You Need On-The-Go

Jul 15 2020

Pack your purse this summer with these must-have items.

Bandages in your bag is a part of being a mom. If only all it took were just a bandage and a kiss to make everything better. Sometimes, your kids get more than a scrape on the sidewalk. Plus, with the COVID-19 pandemic, there are new items you and your family need while running errands during this time.

Always be prepared by keeping essential supplies tucked inside your purse or bag. Here’s a handy checklist to get you through this summer safely.

Adhesive bandages

You’ll be prepared for cuts and wounds if you carry adhesive bandages. Carry a dozen adhesive bandages in many sizes. Large bandages that cover a knee come in handy. For larger cuts, carry sterile gauze pads and a small roll of adhesive cloth tape.

Antibiotic ointment

Small packages or one tube of antibiotic ointment can protect wounds and keep them clean. Antiseptic wipes that come in packets are also ideal for cuts and scrapes that happen while you’re away from home.


In addition to treating headaches and minor aches, aspirin is good to keep in your bag because it can treat heart attack symptoms. Uncoated aspirin is best for instant relief.

If you or someone you’re with has sudden, strong head pain, head to the hospital emergency room right away. The same thing applies to anyone experiencing heart attack symptoms.

Face masks

Because of COVID-19, many states and cities are now requiring face masks to be worn in public. Regardless of the regulations in your area, face masks should always be worn as they help keep yourself and others safe from this virus. Be sure to always have extra face masks on hand in your bag. Children ages two and up should wear them in public.

Granola bars

A granola bar may be food, but it’s also a great addition to a first aid kit. A granola bar can soothe hunger, especially one packed with protein. These snacks can stay fresh in wrappers for long periods of time. Carry some in case you or your kids need a boost of energy while away from home.

Hand sanitizer

Little bottles of hand sanitizer can be lifesavers. Use sanitizer to clean hands before eating if there’s no soap and water around. You can also use sanitizer as a disinfectant to clean out small cuts before putting on a bandage. Because of COVID-19, make sure you are sanitizing your hands often while in public.

Super glue

You know you need adhesive bandages in your purse. But carry a small tube of super glue as a temporary fix for slightly deeper cuts. Just put a thin layer of glue over the area, hold the edges of the skin together for 30 seconds and then add a bandage. It’s best to use butterfly wound closures on deeper cuts.


A fever is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19. A fever can also indicate a number of other, different health issues. Having a themometer on hand can help you quickly monitor any symptoms that may come up for your family when you’re away from home.


Tweezers help you take out bee or wasp stingers. They can also help you remove splinters and glass shards that get into the skin. Or, if you feel comfortable, carry a small army knife in your purse. An army knife has multiple uses, from pulling splinters to fixing broken fingernails and cutting fabric away from injuries and cuts.


Always keep a bottle of water on hand. Water can help someone who’s dehydrated or feeling heat exhaustion. Water cleans out dirt from a wound. It doesn’t matter if the water is cold or room temperature when you need to use it in a pinch.

In addition to your purse, it’s a good idea to keep a mini first aid kit in your car. Also, always check to see if you need to replace items in your kits.

If you need any immediate medical care, be sure to visit an urgent care center or an emergency room near you. Learn more at Mercy.com

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Thanks very interesting blog!
May 10th, 2020 | 6:18pm

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