how to do warrior II pose
Healthy Living

Yoga for Beginners: How to Do Warrior II Pose

Mar 2 2018

Warrior II is all about the ease in the effort — here’s how to get there.

Warrior II pose is a physical, mental and emotional workout. As one of the most widely practiced postures in yoga, it’s suitable for yogis of all levels.

Also called Virabhadrasana II, this full-body pose will work nearly all your muscles. Warrior II strengthens your legs, glutes, hips, core, chest, shoulders and arms. Holding the pose for an extended period of time will also help develop endurance.

Here’s how to do Warrior II pose with proper form and alignment:

  • Take a wide stance with your feet and bring your arms out to a ‘T.’
  • Turn your right toes out to the right side of your mat; making your right foot perpendicular to your left.
  • Bend your right knee, stacking it above your ankle.
  • As you lift your chest, gaze out over your right fingertips.
  • Push your feet deep into your mat and relax your shoulders.

As with all yoga poses, attention to your breath in Warrior II is key. As you take deep breaths, begin to find the ease in the effort. Noticing your shoulders or your neck stiffening up? Melt your physical tension away, and with enough practice, mental tension will begin to fade as well.

Warrior II a great posture for finding peace in the moment or in the middle of chaos. To learn more about its benefits, watch this short video featuring one of Mercy Health’s certified advanced yoga instructors, Mary Geibel.

If you’re ready to add in other postures, visit a Mercy Healthplex, or view our videos on Downward-Facing Dog or Wide-Legged Forward Bend. After this exercise, take a moment to connect to your breath and discover how you feel. If you’re up to it, let us know how it goes in the comments — namaste!

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Joan Barnes

Good to be back doing yoga. Haven't done yoga in over 2 years. Recovering from heart attack 6 months ago. Time to get started with yoga again.
March 06th, 2018 | 11:17am


Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
March 16th, 2018 | 1:58pm

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