mercy health lima
Sports / Orthopedic

Building Champions: How Erica and Briana Prepare Student Athletes for Success

Sep 9 2024

As September rolls in, the school year is still in its early stages. However, for student-athletes, the groundwork for a successful sports season is already well underway.

Behind the scenes, athletic trainers play a crucial role in ensuring that these athletes not only perform at their best but also maintain their health and well-being throughout the year. And in our Lima market, trainers like Briana Chamberlain (pictured above, right) and Erica Anderson (pictured above, left) are dedicated to supporting high school and college athletes as they navigate the physical and mental demands of their sports.

Preparing for a new season of challenges

Every new sports season brings unique challenges, especially when it comes to preparing student-athletes for the demands ahead.

Briana, an athletic trainer at Lima Senior High School, highlights the importance of acclimating athletes to proper nutrition and hydration.

“Educating our athletes on what is good to eat before practices and games, as well as how to properly recover, is key,” she explains. “Carbs before, proteins after and hydration days before big competitions are factors that I emphasize to our kids. And with how crazy our weather has been, emphasizing hydration and nutrition has become pivotal in reducing heat cramps and heat exhaustion.”

Erica, who works with college athletes, faces a different set of challenges. This year, she dealt with insurance complications, a coaching transition and the ever-present task of managing paperwork.

“Each challenge presents differently, but it’s all about the approach and the end goal: ensuring the health and well-being of our student-athletes,” she shares. “When our athletes are thousands of miles away from their families, we become their family, ensuring they feel cared for, protected and in good hands.”

Briana and Erica support athletes year-round

An athletic trainer’s work doesn’t end when the season does. Off-season periods are critical for maintaining athletes’ health and preparing them for the next season.

Briana encourages athletes to stay active even when they’re not in season.

“Off-season lifting and joining other sports are great ways to stay fit. Sports specialization has become popular, but research shows it can be damaging to young athletes’ mental and physical health. We encourage them to engage in activities that can help improve their footwork, speed or agility for their primary sport.”

Erica also emphasizes the importance of recovery during the off-season.

“As soon as the season ends, our primary goal is to help athletes recover both physically and mentally,” she says. “The exit interview is an effective tool for getting feedback on their injuries and understanding their needs. Some athletes need complete rest, while others may require intensive rehab or even surgery. We act swiftly to maximize their recovery and preparation time for the following season.”

Collaborating for athlete development

Working closely with coaches and other staff is essential for creating a cohesive plan that ensures athletes’ success. At Lima Senior High School, Briana benefits from the expertise of a strength coach who tailors workouts and lifts for the athletes.

“Having someone who understands the difference between in-season and off-season lifting is great,” she notes. “Our athletes can always be in the gym without worrying about further injury. I also collaborate with coaches to implement injury prevention programs during warmups, adjusting based on the injury trends we see.”

Erica echoes the importance of collaboration in athletic training.

“Athletic training is all about collaboration – from administrators to coaches and doctors, it’s about doing what’s best for our student-athletes. Communication is key to success. We work together to keep our healthy athletes on the court, support those in between and engage those whose seasons are no longer viable. Everyone has a role, no matter their status on or off the field.”

A labor of love

For both Briana and Erica, athletic training is more than just a job – it’s a passion.

“Being an athletic trainer and providing care for Lima Senior is one of the greatest privileges I’ve ever had,” Briana says. “The kids make every day worth it. I’m very thankful to be a Spartan!”

Erica adds, “Athletic training is truly a labor of love. The dedication we invest in our athletes, programs and schools is unparalleled. The countless hours and stress are always worth it for those moments when we see them return to the field, land their dream job and offer heartfelt thank yous along the way.”

As the school year progresses, the commitment of our trainers ensures that Lima’s student-athletes are not only prepared for the challenges ahead but also supported in their journey to success.

Learn more about the sports medicine services we provide at Mercy Health.

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