Healthy Living
Every spring, we set our clocks ahead one hour and lose an hour of sleep. Unfortunately, the effects of daylight saving time...
Daylight saving time is coming to an end this weekend. The time change for fall requires us to set our clocks back,...
The following piece was written by Sreenivasa Chanamolu, MD, a provider at Mercy Health – St. Rita’s Sleep Center. A good night’s...
A new therapy is now offering hope to people who suffer from sleep apnea but don’t need a continuous positive airway pressure...
We all know that young kids take naps, but what about adults? How long should adult naps be? And what is the...
Sleeping disorders can have many misconceptions. That’s why having the right doctor can make all the difference when it comes to diagnosing...
Maintaining a schedule for your little one gives their days predictability while helping them feel safe and secure. A main part of...
Are you dealing with a sleepless child at night who is grumpy during the day and causing chaos? Or maybe your child,...
May is Better Sleep Month. Here are some quick tips and tricks if you suffer from a sleepless night. “Guidelines for healthy...