Sarah Burns gets emotional just talking about the labor and delivery team at Mercy Health – St. Vincent Medical Center. In fact, as a registered nurse in pediatric case management, she works just one floor below the unit where she has delivered her “soon-to-be” four babies.

In her role, Sarah helps facilitate discharge needs for pediatric patients. That means she helps get equipment and home care ready. She even covers some case management in a familiar place, labor and delivery, and has been with our ministry since 2012.
Sarah’s first childbirth of her own with St. Vincent Medical Center was for her twin boys, now age 5-and-a-half.
“The twins were breech presentation, and all of my deliveries have been by Cesarian section,” Sarah explains. “The nurses and the staff in the room make such a difference. In a C-section, you rely on the people around you to take care of you, and that is a hard position to be in when you are a caregiver. I am usually the one giving the care.”
Sarah comes from a health care family. Her husband serves as a paramedic at the Sylvania Fire Department and her mom works at the St. Vincent Medical Center radiology desk.
Three years after the twins, Sarah and her husband pressed the replay button on their labor and delivery experience, welcoming a daughter. And this month they are again anxiously awaiting a new baby, whose gender has not yet been revealed.
Although the gender is unknown, one thing is known – Baby Burns will be born at St. Vincent Medical Center.
“In those moments, it is like they are part of our family,” Sarah says. “Then, when you get ready to do it again, you hope for the same nurse and the same staff.”
As someone with a passion for our littlest patients in her own career, it is fitting Sarah sings the praises of those who share her love for young ones.
“The best part of my experience so far has been with our staff,” she explains. “The staff is so reassuring and makes me feel at ease throughout the process.”
Sarah plans to work right up until her scheduled C-section on Jan. 17.
“I talk to friends and family about what a good experience I have had,” she says. “The security of having the NICU close by, especially when we had the twins, and the resources were needed.”
Learn about the maternity care services we provide at Mercy Health.