Mercy Health – Clermont Hospital is honoring a beloved volunteer, Judy Rhodes, who recently passed away.
Judy made a lasting impression. She started as a volunteer at the hospital in 2013 and served 2,860 hours over a five-year period. Judy primarily served as a cashier in the Char Mae Gift Shop. Born in Alabama, Judy had a warm, southern personality and ready smile that helped encourage visitors to make purchases in support of the hospital’s Guild.
Judy also served on the Guild Board as the ways and means chair, organizing and planning the many fundraisers the Guild holds in the hospital lobby to raise funds for the hospital. In 2015, Judy received the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award from the White House for completing more than 500 hours of service in a calendar year.
Everyone loved Judy and she fulfilled a lifelong dream when she and Tracy Taylor, the hospital’s volunteer director, traveled to Israel together.
Tracy recalls, “she enjoyed every minute of the trip and carried that warm smile on her face the entire time. She told me, ‘This is a trip I will never forget!’”
When she passed away from a long-term illness, Judy’s family as well as hospital team members were determined to honor her memory. A perpetual plaque was recently dedicated to do just this as well as to honor other volunteers who have died. The plaque will bear the names as well as the years served of Clermont Hospital volunteers who are no longer with us but sorely missed and remembered fondly.
We appreciate all our volunteers who give so much to our team members and patients. Learn more about the volunteer opportunities we offer at Mercy Health.