Susan Hill has struggled off and on with her weight. Like many people, she would lose pounds only to gain them back again over time. Additionally, Susan comes from a family with a genetic history of high blood pressure. This puts her at high risk for a variety of cardiovascular issues, like diabetes and heart failure.
Knowing this, it was important for Susan to find a weight loss method that keeps her weight off and helps her engage in healthy behaviors. She is grateful to have found success in the Mercy Health nonsurgical weight loss program.
“I finally decided to invest in myself,” says Susan. “I was thinking to myself, ‘one way or another I’m going to pay for this.’ Whether it’s weight loss classes and meal replacements, or it’s high blood pressure and my unforeseen future of medical issues I could be facing.”
Mercy Health utilizes the Health Management Resources program, a weight loss system that is divided into two phases:
- Phase 1: Weight loss is achieved by participants consuming only premade entrees and shakes, plus fruits and vegetables. In combination with exercise, weight loss happens quickly to keep patients motivated.
- Phase 2: Weight loss is maintained as participants learn to incorporate healthy habits learned in phase one to develop an overall healthy lifestyle. This then helps keep the weight off.
“I’ve learned to completely rely on myself and not rely on other people’s schedules for a workout, and I’ve got Brian to hold me accountable,” Susan says.
Health Educator Brian Silver is a health educator at the Mercy Health – Toledo Weight Management Solutions and has been working with Susan since she entered the program.
“Most people have a difficult time changing their lifestyle without accountability and support,” says Brian. “Being overweight or obese is a very sensitive subject, and Mercy Health creates a place where our patients can come for support while sharing their challenges as well as successes.”
With the help of Brian as well as her own determination and commitment, Susan has made the changes she needed to lose weight in phase one and is now focused on maintenance in phase two.
“Susan came into the program at a state of readiness,” Brian says. “She knew that she needed to make some changes.”
Susan goes to the gym almost every day now, and even encourages exercise as a family activity. Working out has transitioned from a chore to a fun activity and an emotional outlet as well.
“When I get angry and frustrated, I don’t run through a McDonald’s drive thru,” Susan says. “I hit a treadmill instead.”
Interested in learning more about our nonsurgical weight loss program? Visit our website.