Healthy Living
Every spring, we set our clocks ahead one hour and lose an hour of sleep. Unfortunately, the effects of daylight saving time...
Daylight saving time is coming to an end this weekend. The time change for fall requires us to set our clocks back,...
As summer comes to an end, so do the lazy days and nights of staying up late. Establishing a daily routine for...
The following piece was written by Sreenivasa Chanamolu, MD, a provider at Mercy Health – St. Rita’s Sleep Center. A good night’s...
A new therapy is now offering hope to people who suffer from sleep apnea but don’t need a continuous positive airway pressure...
May is Better Sleep Month. Here are some quick tips and tricks if you suffer from a sleepless night. “Guidelines for healthy...
Did you know that an estimated third of Americans get less than six hours of sleep a night? While many know that...
Use these Five Tips to Prevent Back-to-School Sickness It happens every year. Back to school not only means back to books —...
How to have a great summer without wrecking your children’s schedules One great thing about the school year is the routine. Everyone...
More effective than counting sheep: Use these sleep tips for kids. Did you know elementary-aged kids should get 9-12 hours of sleep...