Healthy Living

Top Five Ways to Reduce Morning Sickness

Jul 24 2019

Women experience many amazing changes during pregnancy. One of the less exciting changes though is morning sickness. Luckily, we have some morning sickness tips!

“Many women experience nausea and even some vomiting first thing in the morning when they are pregnant, especially in the first trimester,” says Dr. Neha Jeirath. “This is very normal and often resolves on its own as the pregnancy develops.”

According to the American Pregnancy Association, more than 50 percent of pregnant women experience morning sickness. While there is not one cure for it, there are foods and behaviors that could potentially prevent or reduce your morning sickness.

Foods to Eat

There are many foods that may be beneficial in preventing and reducing morning sickness. These include:

  • Yogurt
  • Fresh salads
  • Whole grain toast, plain baked potato (or other foods with high carbohydrates)
  • Plain fruits and vegetables
  • Water with a squirt of lemon juice
  • Bland foods like chicken broth
  • Crunchy foods like chips, pretzels and crackers
  • Carbonated flavored water (avoid caffeine and fake sweeteners)
  • Anything with ginger (ginger ale or candies)
  • Herbal teas (peppermint, spearmint, chamomile)

Foods to Avoid

Just as some foods may reduce or prevent morning sickness, other foods may increase and worsen morning sickness symptoms. These include:

  • Onions and garlic
  • Anything spicy or greasy
  • Sugary items (cake, cookies, soda, etc.)
  • Anything with a strong smell, like sauerkraut or Brussels sprouts

What time should I eat?

Another food-related tip is considering when to eat. It may be helpful to eat smaller meals throughout the day so you are never too full or too hungry. Also, you can try a few crackers when you wake up to get your digestive system going before introducing something larger or heavier.

What about prenatal vitamins?

While prenatal vitamins are extremely helpful for pregnancy overall, sometimes the iron in the vitamins can contribute to morning sickness symptoms. Speak with your doctor to see if another prenatal vitamin might work better with your body.

Acupressure Wrist Bands

These bands originated on the water for those experiencing sea sickness. Many pregnant women have found them effective for easing their nausea as well. There are many brands and other types of acupressure that may also be helpful for relieving morning sickness.

When should I contact my doctor?

Remember that mild to moderate morning sickness may not be harmful for you or your baby. You should contact your doctor if:

  • You experience excessive nausea and vomiting that prevents you from keeping any food down
  • If pain or fever accompanies vomiting
  • Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting persist into the second trimester (after week 12)

Never hesitate to call your doctor if you have questions about your symptoms or a new method of reducing morning sickness.

“If the symptoms persist throughout the day and make it hard to keep down foods or liquids, or if you start losing weight because you can’t eat, it may be time to see your OB,” Dr. Jeirath recommends. “From there you can discuss treatment options to make sure you are getting the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy.”

Visit our website to download our FREE Foods to Help Reduce Morning Sickness brochure.

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