gastric bypass success story _ mercy health becky day

Gastric Bypass Success Story: Becky Day

Jan 17 2018

Learn what gastric bypass surgery has done for Becky — who is down to nearly half her original size.

When Becky Day asked her daughter what she wanted for her birthday two years ago, she said she didn’t need presents because she was getting a new mom. Now thanks to Becky’s gastric bypass surgery at Mercy Health, her daughter has just that.

Down 241 pounds, Becky is enjoying simple pleasures that she was never able to before. When she goes to the movie theater, Becky sits in a regular seat rather than having to call ahead for handicap seating. And because she fits into rollercoaster seats, she’s able to enjoy visiting the amusement park, instead of waiting for loved ones on a nearby bench.

“Going to a restaurant used to be something I would never do or dreaded,” Becky said. “I would have to contact the manager to get details on the seating for chairs or booths. You think it would be a no-brainer to choose the chairs, but even chairs without arms could cause a serious balancing act for someone of my size.”

Becky chose to have gastric bypass at Mercy Health because it gave her a fresh start. Now, she says she’s in the best place she’s ever been in her life.

“Ultimately, everyone should have the opportunity to correct themselves both inside and out,” Becky said. “To take ownership of the quality their life can possess.”

Because of this belief, Becky has referred several friends, family members and co-workers to Mercy Health Weight Management Solutions. However, she’s also sure to tell them that it’s important they commit to the journey.

“I advise them that they need to attend the seminar to be well informed prior to making the decision,” Becky said. “So many people see the outside results and not the difference and hard work that goes along with it. I also tell them it is key to have a support team.”

Now down the size of her seventh-grade self, Becky says the quality of her life has improved so much, it’s even surpassed her own expectations. If you or a loved one is interested in joining Becky and the thousands of others who have had success with Mercy Health Weight Management solutions, our team of experts is here for you. Take the first step today by requesting more information.



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Paul stephenson

That's a great story did Becky have any diabetes problems or high blood pressure, cholesterol??
January 30th, 2018 | 12:21pm

Mercy Health

Hi Paul, while patient privacy doesn't allow us to share individual patient health information, beyond what they have shared with us in their interview, obesity definitely raises the risk of health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Anyone who suffers from obesity should talk to their primary care provider about their risk for all of these conditions
January 30th, 2018 | 1:24pm

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