the secret to inner peace
Healthy Living

Stressed? Here’s The Secret to Inner Peace

Sep 29 2021

How do I find inner peace even when the world around me feels chaotic?

With the change of seasons often comes time for a desire to have greater inner peace.

When striving for inner peace, the first step is to understand what inner peace truly is.

Inner peace exists regardless of external conditions. It comes from faith and resilience, and from accepting circumstances the way they are. It also comes from uncluttering our life of possessions and all the activities that create more burden than joy.

Here are a few tips to help you develop inner peace: 

  • Breathe deeply, stretch often, eat well and get enough sleep.
  • Give yourself total quiet every day, even for just a few minutes.
  • Spend a few of those quiet moments in the presence of your God.
  • Face problems instead of trying to escape or deny them.
  • Solve the problems you can and accept those you can’t.

You’re on the way toward inner peace when you find yourself…

  • Allowing things to unfold, rather than resisting or controlling them.
  • No longer judging others – or yourself.
  • Disinterested in conflict.
  • Feeling the beauty of being alive and enjoying small moments.
  • Experiencing a deep connection to others and with nature.
  • Focusing on giving and loving rather than receiving.

While many people assume that inner peace will simply arrive some day when everything is right, experts say that it is much more of a conscious effort. Start by taking small steps. This might mean placing a sticky note on your desk reminding you to take deep breaths, or writing a grocery list at the beginning of each week that is full of healthy, whole foods.

While the two aren’t inextricably linked, many also find that meditation can help develop a strong inner peace. Use these tips to begin a meditation practice.

At Mercy Health, we’re committed to health in mind, body and spirit. To learn more about this or to find a caring, compassionate health care provider near you, visit today.

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