
West Nile Virus Reported in Cincinnati

Jul 17 2019

West Nile has officially been detected in the Cincinnati. Mosquitoes in the Hamilton County area recently tested positive for West Nile virus according to a report from Hamilton County Public Health. Here are some ways you can best protect yourself and your family.

Apply Insect Repellent:

Make sure it is EPA-registered. Always follow the instructions when using repellent on children and be sure to reapply as directed.

Wear Long-Sleeves and Pants:

They provide an added layer of protection. Clothing treated with permethrin is also ideal.

Avoid Dawn and Dusk:

These are peak hours for mosquitoes.

Avoid Standing Water:

Take this opportunity to drain any flower pots, bird baths, small pools, etc. in your yard.

Symptoms of West Nile Virus:

West Nile virus is a viral disease affecting the central nervous system. Nearly 8 out of 10 people will not show any symptoms of West Nile Virus, however those that do typically experience symptoms developing within two to 14 days. We recommend that you see a doctor if you experience headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, aching joints or rash after being bitten by a mosquito.

Need more information?

Learn more about the Infectious Disease care available at Mercy Health.

Learn more about West Nile virus from the CDC and Hamilton County Public Health.

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