In a world filled with stories of compassion and resilience abound, few are as touching as that of Alaina Tuttle and Amanda...
Heart and Vascular
Meet Alex Moseley, MD, one of the highly-skilled physicians on our cardiovascular team in our Cincinnati market! Dr. Moseley is one...
“I like being a support for my patients and their families. In many situations, there are a lot of unknowns, and I...
Volunteering isn’t just a commitment – for Cathy Warmack and her granddaughter, Eastyn Walker, it’s a family tradition. For more than 15...
When Donna Crenshaw reflects on Veterans Day each year, she honors not only the brave men and women who serve, but also...
At Mercy Health, we are proud of the current and former United States military service members we count among our associates. One...
Tanner Gerten, a radiology technologist and recent graduate of Rhodes State College, has been a member of our Mercy Health – St....
At Mercy Health – Lourdes Hospital, our midwifery practice highlights a commitment to compassionate, patient-centered care. As the first full-scope midwifery practice...
Talia ‘Santana’ Moore, a nursing supervisor of practice and clinical education at Mercy Health – Lourdes Hospital, celebrated 10 years with our...
Sports / Orthopedic
Meet Andrea Berrien, MBA, MSN, RN! She has been with the ministry for just over three years. After initially starting as a...