How to keep your kids safe during the summer months.
You likely know that winter causes an increase in medical visits to the hospital. But did you know that summer is associated with a large increase in traumatic events?
With more kids outdoors, the uptick in accidents from sports such as biking and skateboarding is significant. Teaching your kids these summer safety tips will help keep your family safe and healthy all year round.
Summer Safety Tip #1: Embrace the Learning Curve
It’s easy for kids to look back at the end of the previous summer and remember being an expert on their bikes. However, what kids often forget is the learning curve that it took for them to be comfortable cycling.
Use the beginning of summer to readjust to equipment. For example, take your first few bike rides on shorter and easier paths before venturing out to busy roads. Help your kids understand their limits and that there’s no trophy for being a hero.
Summer Safety Tip #2: Wear a Helmet
80,000 — that’s the annual number of emergency room visits caused by skateboarding accidents. 50 percent of those are children under the age of 15, which makes them especially prone to long-term injuries.
Long-term injuries can carry into the school year, making kids less successful in the classroom. Additionally, the number of children permanently injured and killed from not wearing a helmet is increasing.
As for adults, the number of fatal motorcycle accidents has doubled since 1997. If you ride a motorcycle, make sure it is Department of Transportation-approved motorcycle helmet.
Summer Safety Tip #3: Practice and Prepare
You can lower your chance for summer injuries before you even step outside. For example, parents should always ask their kids where they’re going and how long they expect to be gone.
Teach your kids a culture of safety. Kids or parents should inspect their equipment, such as bike tires or skateboard wheels, before ever taking it out for a spin.
Thanks to Dr. Matthew Eggleston, a Mercy Health emergency department doctor, for sharing these summer safety tips. If you are in need of a primary care doctor, the Mercy Health team is here for you. Visit to find an expert, compassionate caregiver near you today.
Interested in more stories like this? Our Summer Survival Guide is full of healthy living tips to start your summer right. Learn more here.