stroke recovery _ angie kohler

Mercy Stories: Stroke Recovery

Feb 28 2018

Learn about EmboTrap Revascularization and how this innovative treatment makes stroke recovery quick and effective.

School psychologist Angie Kohler has always led an active lifestyle. With a workout regimen mix of lifting, running and playing volleyball, at age 37, and no medical history foreshadowing any issue, she never anticipated having a stroke.

Angie entered her local gym one evening and began running on the treadmill. While sprinting, she saw her left arm jump. Immediately she stepped off the treadmill and fell.

Since it was late, no one else was in the gym to lend a hand. Angie tried to stand but was unable to move until someone entered the gym and helped her call her husband, Matt, and eventually 911.

“I’ve seen three strokes in my family so I knew the warning signs,” Angie commented. “It just never clicked with me that I had a stroke.”

Treating her stroke quickly

The first responder team completed an assessment and rushed Angie to Mercy Health St. Vincent Medical Center. Upon arrival, when Matt was briefed on her medical condition, Sam Zaidat, MD, interventional neurologist, informed him of a complex, yet proven EmboTrap Revascularization procedure with a tool currently in clinical trials.

The device uses a stent-like structure to retrieve the clot while simultaneously restoring blood flow to the brain. It’s designed to reduce the risk of dislodging clot fragments during the retrieval process, which could cause additional harm to the patient.

“If she was your wife or mother, would you do it?” Matt asked as the last measure of consideration when agreeing to the complex study. Dr. Zaidat shook his head yes, and then walked the family members through each step of the procedures with pictures to help explain.

“After that, we were relieved and amazed by the technology,” Matt explained.

Angie’s acute ischemic stroke most likely occurred due to a combination of oral contraceptives and an unknown genetic double mutation, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR).

Prior to treatment, Angie was unable to move the left side of her face or her left arm, and she was having difficulty with trunk control and sitting up. The family saw immediate improvement almost 10 hours after the procedure. Angie’s stroke recovery was so quick, she was released the following Wednesday and attended a country music concert on Saturday.

“Dr. Zaidat has been very attentive and accessible. There was one nurse who was holding my hand and praying for me too. It was so nice,” Angie commented. “We’d like to also thank the ICU nurses. We are so grateful for them.”

Since returning home, Angie is working on improving her fine motor skills but she is back to work, driving and is also planning a trip to Las Vegas.

If you or someone you know could benefit from Mercy Health’s attentive care, reach out to our team of specialists today by visiting or calling 513-952-5000 today.

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joyce e piasente

My husband was part of this clinical trial It was a miracle Has not physical impairments So glad it has been approved by the FDA It no only save my husband's life but it quality of life
September 20th, 2018 | 2:49pm

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