Healthy Living

Why You Need to Take a Mental Health Day

Oct 9 2019

Check out these mental health day tips!

You take a day off when you have a fever or illness that other people can catch. But do you take a day off when you are feeling burnt out, anxious or just need to recharge your batteries?

Many people do not treat their mental health like their physical health. However, this type of self-care is just as important as staying home when you’re sick.

Signs you need a mental health day

Taking a mental health day just because you don’t feel like driving to work isn’t the best idea. However, there are some valid reasons why you should take a sick day to work on your mental health. They include:

  1. Stress at work is affecting your appetite.
  2. You’re dealing with more anxiety than normal.
  3. You have trouble sleeping, even though you’re tired.
  4. You keep getting sick, or you’re ignoring your physical health.
  5. You can’t think clearly and it’s affecting your job performance.
  6. Stress at work affects your relationships with friends and family.
  7. You’re having difficulties managing your emotions due to stress at work.
  8. You’re dealing with a difficult life event, like the death of a loved one or a divorce.
  9. You have a mental health condition, like anxiety or depression, and need to see a doctor or therapist.

How should you spend your day off?

Once you’ve talked to your boss and secured your day off, make a plan so you can maximize your time.

Focus on a life improvement you can make that day. Maybe you need more sleep, or maybe more time outdoors. Consider taking a yoga class, reconnecting with friends, journaling or taking a quick day trip. It is most important to spend your day in a way that helps improve your mindset.

Getting back to your routine

Taking a day off can help reduce your stress levels. When you get back to work, you’ll likely feel more focused, refreshed and energetic. You may even feel ready to tackle your biggest challenges. That’s the ultimate goal of a mental health day.

If you live with mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, a mental health day or two may not be enough. Visit to learn more about our mental health services and make an appointment with one of our specialist.

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